About Us

Our mission is to provide Philadelphia’s immigrant population the healthcare, education, and support that they need to improve their lives and empower this community to reach its potential.

We advance this mission through four lines of programs, largely directed at, but not exclusive to, the immigrant population in Philadelphia. First, we provide English language instruction, tailored to the service industry. Second, we run Community Health Days (CHDs), which provide free dental and medical care services to all immigrants. Third, our dental programing provides dental care to those in need at low or no cost through our partner dental clinic. Fourth, we run additional occasional programs to serve the acute, changing needs of our community.

Our vision is a city in which everyone, including recent immigrants, have the support they need to enjoy the highest possible quality of life and contribute meaningfully as members of the community.

Not everyone has the support and resources that they need to live healthy lives, fulfilling their potential as people, as Americans, and as Philadelphians. This truth stands out in particular relief when it comes to recent immigrants, who not only lack the support structures that so many later-generation Americans take for granted, but also face systematic cultural and economic barriers that undermine the equitable allocation of opportunities in our communities.

"Empower your future"